Lecture series for young scientists

The week before the meeting, a lecture series by senior researchers for young researchers will also be held, aiming to transfer knowledge and promote free and vigorous discussions. If you intend to participate to both the lecture series and the congress please thick the box on the registration form. If you want to participate to the lecture series only, please contact us.

The courses start on Tuesday and will be held at the PIAF laboratory at INRAE Crouel (5 chemin de Beaulieu, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand GPS: N 45.77482° E 3.14414°). More precisely, the lectures will take place in the Salle Gachon.

Students and speakers will receive a ticket for public transport, valid until the end of the congress. Transport is free during the weekend.

The INRAE is a bit far from the city centre and the congress venue, but it can be reached by bus lines 35 and 36.

The courses start at 9:00 evcery day. The preliminary program of the lecture series will include :

Day 1. 

Course 1: Introduction - A brief history of the IPCHS by Matsuo Uemura 
Course 2: Monitoring frost damages via non-invasive methods by Thierry Améglio 
Video 1 Molecular induction of cold acclimation by Annette Nassuth 
Practical course 1: How to apply frost stress and monitor damages (Thierry Améglio / G. Charrier / N. Dusart) 

Day 2. 

Course 3: Genetics of cold acclimation by Isabelle Lejeune-Hénaut
Course 4: Bud dormancy in woody perennials by Al Kovaleski
Video 2: Deep supercooling: freezing avoidance mechanisms in woody plants by Jun Kasuga
Practical course 2: How to make forcing tests (Al Kovaleski / N. Dusart / G. Charrier) 

Day 3. 

Course 5: Studying the function(s) of conformationally flexible cold induced proteins by biophysical approaches by Annja Thalhammer
Course 6: The perspective of cell walls in freezing tolerance by Daisuke Takahashi 
Video 3: Lipids, why they are important to cold tolerance, and how to interpret their changes by Rebecca Roston
Practical course 3:  Electrolyte leakage, extracellular freeze dehydration on cells, cell wall extraction? IN activity ?
Lab visit: overview of different ecophysiological measurements by Nicolas Dusart and Guillaume Charrier + local researchers 

Day 4. 

Course 7: Factors to consider in plant cold hardiness research and issues in translating lab to field by Karen Tanino
Course 8: Ice nucleation in plant tissues: when and where? by Guillaume Charrier
Video 4: Ice-binding proteins: mechanisms of ice crystal adsorption and freeze protection by Melissa Bredow
Practical course 4: Visualizing ice (N. Dusart /  G. Charrier) / Data analysis 


Hosting :
20 rooms have been pre-booked at the CROUS Dolet (5 rue Etienne-Dolet 63037 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1) for 90€/week, please contact us if you are interested. First come first served.


To register