
Poster session: the prefered size is A0 format (841 x 1189 mm).

The detailed program is:

Day 126-août14:00-14:35Introductary words 
   1. Temperature sensing, signal transduction and cascade signalling pathway (Chairs: Muhamad Shahid and Pierre Amato ?)
  14:35-15:10 Hiroshi Kudoh (Invited)In natura study of leaf longevity: Distinctive controls between growing and overwintering seasons
  15:10-15:30 Péter BorbélyInteraction of the far-red and blue regimes during cold acclimation of barley in a mixed light environment
  15:30-15:50 Gábor KocsyModulation of the redox control of cold acclimation by light intensity and spectrum in wheat
  15:50-16:20 Break 
  16:20-16:40 Satoshi KidokoroClock-related coactivators selectively regulate gene expression in response to different temperature conditions
  16:40-17:00 Andrea Miyasaka AlmeidaExploring gene regulatory networks controlling  cold acclimation and bud dormancy in sweet cherry floral buds
  17:00-17:20 Mohamed AhresInvestigating the impact of spring (Vrn-A1) and winter (vrn-A1) vernalization alleles on frost tolerance induced by light spectrum and low temperature in different wheat background
  17:20-17:40 Mujahid HussainUnravelling the Molecular Basis of Freezing Tolerance in Satsuma Madrain (Citrus unshiu) Through Transcriptome Analysis under unpredicted Freeze Events
  17:40-18:00 Ji-Hong LiuTranscriptional regulation of sugar metabolism in citrus under cold stress
Day 227-août 2. Cold acclimation and deacclimation in a warming world: genetic and physiological approaches (Chairs: Matsuo Uemura and Thierry Ameglio)
  9:00-9:35 Majken Pagter (Invited)Plant overwintering in a warming world: physiological perspectives
  9:35-9:55 Ewout Van OostEnhancing frost tolerance in ornamental lavender: from lab to field
  9:55-10:15 Marcin RapaczFacing a changing winter climate: A step toward breeding deacclimated wheat
  10:15-10:35 Bunyamin TaranInsight into the genetic control of freezing tolerance in chickpea based on RNA Seq and Bulk DNA Sequencing Analyses
  10:35-11:05 Break 
  11:05-11:25 Morgan LeeThe multiple functions of AVP1 in plant freezing tolerance
  11:25-11:45 Magdalena Wójcik-JagłaFreezing and de-acclimation tolerance in Polish winter barley – a two year study
  11:45-12:05 Barbara JurczykPhysiological function of non-photosynthetic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) in acclimation to low temperature waterlogging in forage grasses
  12:05-12:25 Noelle PerkinsAutumn warming results in a delay in the downregulation of photosynthesis and upregulation of dehydrin proteins in Picea gluaca
  12:25-13:55 Lunch 
  13:55-14:15 Idemir CitadinCold hardiness and dormancy of apples trees grown in a mild winter region of Brazil
  14:15-14:35 Olivia Di BiaseDifference in resilience and response to seasonal variation in white pine and white spruce
  14:35-14:55 Muhammad A. ShahidImproved cold hardiness in silicon treated Satsuma mandarin trees is associated with physiological and biochemical modulations in leaves
  14:55-15:15 Jesús Rodríguez-CalcerradaOn the cold acclimation of stem metabolism in winter-dormant Quercus robur saplings
  15:15-15:35 F. Curtis LubbeGrowing opportunities: Warm winters and wintergreen herbs
  15:35-16:05 Break 
   3. Ice nucleation and propagation (Chairs: Masaya Ishikawa and Gilbert Neuner)
  16:05-16:40 Sylvain Deville (Invited)Ice nucleation and propagation
  16:40-17:00 Stephen IngramTowards understanding freezing point depression under negative pressure
  17:00-17:20 Jun KasugaUnidentified ice barrier structures in water conduits prevent the ice propagation into grape buds in early spring
  17:20-17:40 Irabonosi ObomighieImpact of cell wall crosslinking on plant freezing tolerance
  17:40-18:00 Gilbert NeunerWhen water turns to ice: control of ice volume and freezing dynamics as important aspects of cold acclimation
Day 328-août 4. Freezing behaviors (extracellular freezing vs supercooling) (Chairs: Daisuke Takahashi and Ian Willick)
  9:00-9:35 Masaya Ishikawa (Invited)Freezing behaviors in wintering woody plant flower buds visualized using MRI: diversity and mechanisms involved
  9:35-9:55 Matthias StegnerSupercooling vs. freeze dehydration: Shedding new light on the freezing behavior of plant organs by differential scanning calorimetry
  9:55-10:15 Anja ThalhammerLEA proteins as central players in the protection of cells during freezing – how structural flexibility facilitates functional plasticity
  10:15-10:35 Kenji SugitaExperience with freezing and light after cold acclimation further enhances freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis
  10:35-11:05 Break 
  11:05-11:25 Michael NorthRecent developments of techniques to study cranberry bud cold hardiness
  11:25-11:45 Cyril BozonnetWalnut winter pressure build-up explained through physical modelling
   5. Late and early frost: changing plant phenology (Chairs: Guillaume Charrier and Karen Tanino)
  11:45-12:20 Yann Vitasse (Invited)Evolutionary trade-off between avoiding damaging spring frosts and maximising competition for resources
  12:20-13:50 Lunch 
  13:50-14:10 Heikki HänninenChilling requirement does not work as an adaptive tree trait in the southern part of the subtropical zone
  14:10-14:30 Julien ToillonPlasticity of Endo- and Eco-dormancy of eight hazelnut cultivars cultivated in four contrasted environments
  14:30-14:50 Andrea Miyasaka AlmeidaUse of vegetation indices derived from remote sensing to estimate dormancy and bloom onset in sweet cherry trees with contrasting chilling requirements
  14:50-15:10 Al KovaleskiUsing winter dynamics to predict spring phenology in wine and hybrid grapevines
  15:10-15:30 Yu ZhaoPhotoperiod is more important for avoidance of late  spring frosts in subtropical than in  boreal and  temperate trees
  15:30-16:00 Break 
  16:00-16:20 Zhijun LiAssessing cold damage risk of Torreya grandis cv. ‘Merrillii’ in a warming climate: Implications for cultivation and mitigation
  16:20-18:00Poster session 
Day 429-août 6. The migration of cold distribution edges in a warming climate (Chairs: Katline Charra-Vaskou and Yann Vitasse)
  8:45-9:20 Loic Francon (Invited)Towards a transdisciplinary framework for studying the dynamics of woody alpine vegetation in a warming climate context
  9:20-9:40 Camilla Lorange LindbergTo coldly go where no grass has gone before; a multidisiplinary review of cold adaptation in Poaceae
  9:40-10:00 Claudio MuraFrost hardiness in sugar maple (Acer saccharum)
  10:00-10:20 Anna LintunenFrost tolerance of European beech growing in the temperate-boreal ecotone
  10:20-10:50 Break 
   7. Living in the plant edge: psychrophilic microbes (Chairs: Hiroshi Kudoh and Sylvain Deville ?)
  10:50-11:25 Pierre Amato (Invited)Ice nucleation active bacteria and bioprecipitation
  11:25-11:45 Lia LamacqueFrost vulnerability in trees: are microorganisms indicators to predict frost damage?
  11:45-12:05 Nicolas DusartCitrus frost vulnerability: Exploring the role of ice nucleation active bacteria and temperature acclimation
  12:05-12:25 Annick BertrandUnraveling the contribution of each partner of an alfalfa-rhizobia symbiosis in the freezing-tolerance of the association
  12:25-13:30 Lunch 
  17:30-23:00Dinner at Puy de dome 
Day 530-août 8. Hot and cold: insights of multistress (Chairs: Majken Pagter and Loic Francon)
  9:00-9:35 Thierry Améglio (Invited)Effects of summer and winter environmental factors and cultivation practices on frost resistance and tree dieback
  9:35-9:55 Fernanda DreccerThermally safe window for wheat flowering in Australia
  9:55-10:15 Nadia AriasDrought and frost resistance of olive trees growing in the Patagonian steppe
  10:15-10:35 Anchalya Anna BalasubramaniamAutumn warming delays the development of photoprotective sustained non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) in white spruce
  10:35-11:05 Break 
  11:05-11:25 Takuma KikuchiBoth trehalose and cell wall polysaccharides may be involved in the desiccation tolerance exhibited by Selaginella tamariscina
  11:25-11:45 Ian WillickBioavailable silicon amendments in grapevines and onions enhances tolerance to multiple stresses
  11:45-12:30General discussion, Closing 



A prize for the best poster will be sponsored by New Phytologist Foundation.

Andrea Miyasaka AlmeidaExploring gene regulatory networks controlling  cold acclimation and bud dormancy in sweet cherry floral buds
Annie ClaessensBiochemical responses during cold acclimation of switchgrass ecotypes
Erica KirchhofEffects of climatological variation on seasonal progression of cold hardiness in temperate woody perennial plants
Francisco Campos-ArguedasExploring Cold Hardiness and Dormancy: Responses to Whole Ecosystem Warming and Elevated CO2 in a Boreal Peatland Forest
Heikki HänninenUsing integrated models for identifying the significance of various ecophysiological responses in regulating the annual cycle of frost hardiness in trees
Ipsa BaniA study of comparative analysis of frost resistance through hardening, de-hardening and re-hardening processes in grasses.
Ji SuonanThe frost tolerance of alpine plants on the Tibetan Plateau is closely related to their height
Katline Charra_VaskouSnow cover drives the survival of young trees at the alpine timberline
Ko TakeuchiEffects of photoinhibition and iron nutrition on chilling stress tolerance in cucumber
Kristóf JobbágyFar-Red and Blue Light Supplementation Influence Cold Acclimation in Rht12 Mutant Wheat
Lalouer JulieCarbon allocation and osmolarity in twigs and needles during the dormancy - growth cycle to frost resistance in boreal conifers
Majken PagterCan exogenous melatonin reduce the risk of spring frost injuries in fruit crops?
Masaya IshikawaDevelopment of a variable-temperature magnetic resonance microscopy system for analyzing plant freezing behaviors.
Masaya IshikawaIce nucleation activity in wild Rosa stems: characterization and interspecific variations
Masaya IshikawaAn improved method for visualizing diversities in freezing behaviors of multiple plant samples in a short period of time using variable-temperature MRI.
Matteo ZucchiniA simple method to evaluate the frost tolerance of the olive tree
Max LarterGlobal variation and trade-offs of frost and drought resistance in woody plants
Prerana UpreteeInfluence of seed characteristics on the winter survival of the spring seeds
Tuuli AroEnhancing Spring Frost Tolerance in Norway spruce (Picea abies): Multivariate genomic prediction and Climate adaptability
Will ShortDeveloping Artificial and Natural Coatings for Freezing Avoidance in Canola
Wim Van den EndeDiscovery of two novel galacto-oligosaccharides from Eranthis hyemalis (Ranunculaceae), a winter flowering species
Zsuzsanna Farkasght quality dependent regulation of coleoptile length and frost tolerance in Rht mutant wheat and barley lines